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How To Build A Dollhouse From Scratch - And 6 Questions Answered

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The answer to how to build a dollhouse from scratch is the consequence of a much-asked question in the dollhouse world, but a little too general to answer straight away.

So I split up the question into different categories, in the hopes of answering everything you always wanted to know about building a DIY dollhouse.

So let's dive straight into things!

updated 09/11/23

How to Build a Dollhouse from Scratch for Beginners

In this phase, I hope to give you all the detailed instructions for building a dollhouse from scratch - step by step.

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Step 1: Decide on which dollhouse style.

Well, if you wonder how to build a dollhouse from scratch, the first thing to do is to think about which dollhouse style you are going to work on because there are many.

On my website, I have written about most of the styles that exist for dollhouses, although I think I'm still missing a few 😉

In the list below, you can find the ones I have already talked about:

I still need to figure out Art Nouveau and Baroque, I think haha. That's for another day!

In the meantime, please do let me know below which style has your preference, I would like to know!

A Tudor Dollhouse by Kevin Jackson.

Step 2: Look for DIY dollhouse plans or create your own.

There are two ways to have your own DIY dollhouse plans:

As you noticed again haha, I have written about both ways. I didn't even realize myself that I already wrote about so many things ;-).

Oh, how about Victorian dollhouse plans, found those as well, almost forgot!


Step 3: Gather your building supplies and power tools.

Before you can start building your DIY dollhouse, you need to know these 2 things, for which again, I have already written expanded articles, just click on the links below:

Step 4: Cut out the pieces in the right size!

Follow the instructions of the DIY dollhouse plans to the letter and use the appropriate power tools to cut them out. You can now sand them first as well.

Please don't use a saw without protection as in this picture! 😉

Step 5: Assemble the dollhouse!

You can now glue together all the pieces with wood glue. In this order is easier:

  • Start by cutting out the base plate with a jigsaw and drill a hole in all 4 corners (you can use a mini-drill for this).
  • Cut out all the walls and glue them to the base (after cutting out windows and doors).

    The reason I mentioned drilling the holes is that you can also decide to screw them together, on top of the gluing. This makes your dollhouse a lot sturdier.

  • Regularly check in between placements of walls, to make sure that everything is well positioned according to the DIY plans.
  • Install the first floor, parallel to the ground floor. It is better to now start installing the intersections of the rooms in the dollhouse.

    Then, move on to the rest of the floors, if you have several.

  • Install the roofs and there you go, you now have the basics.
  • From there, install the stairs, if available.

Step 6: Finishing and decorating the dollhouse!

I must bore the hell out of you now, but to finish the dollhouse, I have written tons of articles as well 🙂

miniature dollhouse flooring

Building A Dollhouse From Scratch On A Budget

Interesting to find this question on Google, as I would assume that creating a dollhouse DIY from scratch, would always be the most affordable way to go.

So I kind of guessed what people were trying to figure out here, and I think that maybe they are looking to build a DIY dollhouse without having to use (expensive) power tools?

In that case, there actually are a few ways, and what do you know, I wrote about them haha!

how to make a dollhouse out of cardboard
A cardboard dollhouse by Svetla Dandarova on my Facebook group.

How to Build a Dollhouse from Scratch for Kids

This other question I found on the big wide internet, made me think as well. What do they actually mean?

Are people looking for a way to have their kids build a dollhouse themselves or are they looking for a way to build a dollhouse DIY that is safe for kids?

In the first case, I would try to let them build their own dollhouse with solid cardboard. I used to do this when I was a teen myself.

Although I didn't "play" with it, the process of building your own dollhouse as a kid is very creative and makes you happy 🙂

What do you know, I have...

No, I haven't written an article on this one haha!

And it is actually a quite nice idea to dive further into it later, and then come back to update this part, so keep posted!

In the meantime, you could take a look at some DIY books for kids on Amazon, there seem to be a few!

This one, I actually bought this one myself, and it is full of easy DIY projects that your kids could do as well, although I haven't found the time yet to do some of these.

Creating a Dollhouse from Scratch with Reclaimed or Recycled Materials and/or Reclaimed Wood

I thought I'd mention the use of reclaimed wood or upcycled wood as well, partly because I am quite proud of my own dollhouse treehouse that I am slowly finishing up. (and I do mean, véry slowly lol).

mini treehouse

In the article, you can see step by step, the process of making this treehouse, just by using wood from my real size house, so repurposed, and using twigs that I found on walks in nature.

The big branch that you can see partly in the picture above, is also part of a wood pile that is used for our wood stove.

The roof is covered with pencil scrapes and everything else that I am making at the moment is from other things found in nature, upcycled or recycled.


This project has become something that I have been working on for years now, like in between other projects of mine.

I'm sure that you can find tons of other examples of dollhouses made from repurposed wood, as I found on Pinterest, for example!

Building a Dollhouse with Pre-Made Pieces

Aha, here we are definitely talking about all of the premade dollhouse kits out there, and there are lots of them!

I have written tons of blog posts on my website on my own premade DIY house kits, but also compared brands for you, and organized kits by themes such as Christmas, Halloween, and more.

My "Cat Café"

Should I write down another list here for you? I will spare you and myself from that probably, as it would be way too long haha!

Just click here to take you to all of the blog posts on DIY dollhouse kits on my website.

Building a Dollhouse With A Small Space

If you have a small house or living in an apartment where there is just not enough space to show off your dollhouses, then I can make a few suggestions:

Take a closer look at my own fairy garden! I am always adding something when spring comes around or adjusting something each year. I want a whole village lol!

Related article:

When I write a new blog post on a certain topic, the first thing I do is look for questions that people might have on a topic and thus try to answer those.

I hope that this time again, I could answer the question on how to build a dollhouse from scratch, more in-depth for you.

If you have any more questions however, feel free to ask them below in the comment section or leave a message on my social media channels below or Facebook group, where maybe other people can answer them as well!

I wish you happy crafting!

Kind regards,


Posted : 14/02/2023 4:09 pm
(@Bob Roman)
Posts: 3
New Member Guest

Now, full disclosure, I've never built a dollhouse myself - but that's not gonna stop me from spouting off my opinions and questions about it!

First things first, let's talk about the article. I gotta say, it's pretty impressive! The level of detail and instruction is top-notch, and I love that they've included answers to common questions. It's clear that the author knows their stuff.

One thing that did strike me as interesting was the section on using recycled materials. I'm all for being eco-friendly, so I love that they're encouraging people to repurpose old items. Plus, it's a great way to save some money on materials.

Speaking of money, though, I can't help but wonder - how much does it cost to build a dollhouse from scratch? I mean, if you're using fancy materials and intricate designs, it could add up pretty quickly, right? Or am I just being a cheapskate?

All in all, I gotta say, I'm intrigued by this whole dollhouse-building business. Maybe I'll have to give it a try someday. Who knows, maybe it'll be my new hobby! But for now, I'll just stick to watching other people do it on YouTube. Hey, don't judge me - we all have our guilty pleasures!

Posted : 14/02/2023 4:30 pm
Posts: 862
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Hi Bob!

How nice of you to compliment my work this much, thank you!

About your question, it would be different for each individual, depending on a few things:

- do you have the power tools already available?

- will you be working with wood or everyday items, like the cardboard dollhouses?

- would you use repurposed wood or even a bookshelf turned into a dollhouse?

I would need to know all of these things before I could tell how much you will be spending to make your own dollhouse from scratch;-)

But in general, I have seen people building a wooden dollhouse from scratch for under a 100 dollars! (without furniture)
So it is totally doable for a "cheapskate" 😉

I wish you happy crafting if you decide to make a dollhouse DIY!

Kind regards


Posted : 14/02/2023 5:28 pm
Posts: 1
New Member Guest

Interesting! You have given quite the detailed list on building doll houses, and more than one style.

This is something I never thought of when I utilized all of the scrap lumber that I've kept over the years, but after reading this website, I see I may have a new hobby to look forward to. I'll bookmark this page for future reference.


Posted : 14/02/2023 6:22 pm
Posts: 862
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Hi Jeremy!

I wish you much crafting fun with all of the scrap lumber that you have kept over the years and thank you for your comment!

kind regards,


Posted : 14/02/2023 10:48 pm