Printable Dollhouse Furniture Patterns: From Pixels to Miniature Magic!

There she goes again, talking about dollhouse printables! 🙂 Well yes, besides the printable miniature books and printable doll clothes, of course, we need printable dollhouse furniture patterns to create miniature furniture, no?

In any case, if you were looking for them, this blog post will show you exactly where to find them, or, you can also check out my other blog post on how to create dollhouse furniture with the use of different materials and different methods.

There’s something out there for everyone, so let’s dive straight into things!

updated 21/01/24

What are Printable Dollhouse Furniture templates?

Printable dollhouse furniture patterns are digital templates that you can download and print, allowing you to create miniature furniture pieces for your dollhouse, it is that simple ;-). Mostly, they are available on a scale of 1:12.

What are the benefits of using printable dollhouse furniture patterns? Well, there are a few:

  • Printables are affordable (and even for free lots of the time) and very accessible, so you can furnish your dollhouse to your own taste.

  • There is a wide range of designs and styles: Whether you prefer modern, vintage, or “alternative” designs (fairy garden furniture, for example), you’ll find a big selection of patterns to suit your dollhouse’s wishes!

  • Personalization and customization. If you would like to create lots of miniature objects and furniture yourself, using printables is a good choice. Also if you can’t find anything that is premade to fit within the style of your dollhouse.

Where to Find 1:12 scale Printable Dollhouse Furniture templates and other scales?

For offline resources, you might get lucky at dollhouse conventions, although I have never seen miniature printables there. But mostly, printables are printed in dollhouse magazines and they have been personally quite helpful for me.

On the other hand, there are multiple online resources, a small list!

1. Websites/blogs, or stores.

2. My favorite place for printable dollhouse furniture: Pinterest.

Now, Pinterest is a place where you can find an overwhelming amount of printable dollhouse furniture patterns and I will guide you through a few terrific accounts!

  • 1. Tall Minni Guy

Take a closer look at this pin and blog post where George the Minni Guy shows you how to create this wingback miniature chair with a storage base!

2. Printablee

Printablee on Pinterest has a huge bunch of printables of all kinds, but also lots of dollhouse furniture patterns like this one below:

  • 3: Tiny Crafter

Tiny Crafter has a Pinterest account where she shows you some great tutorials on different dollhouse topics, and also these building plans for a miniature garden bench on a scale of 1:12.

  • 4. Red Ted Art

Red Ted Art on Pinterest shows you how to create a dollhouse bed, which can be made as well by kids, how lovely!

  • 5. Print Mini

Print Mini has a website where you can find all kinds of printables as well. Take a look at this print of a dollhouse microwave on Pinterest.

There are lots more printable dollhouse furniture patterns to be found on Pinterest than these 5, make sure to check it out if you are searching!

3. YouTube: another source for miniature furniture templates

Well, sorry but no, I didn’t find actual printables for dollhouse furniture on YouTube, but you can definitely find tutorials and instructions on how to create dollhouse furniture, which include all the measurements in the videos themselves.

One of them is on my own Youtube channel hehe (well yes of course I will show my own channel whenever I can lol).

One of the many projects that I made, for example, is this miniature lounge chair. Make sure to subscribe to my channel if you like what I’m doing, thanks!

4. Etsy!

And last, but definitely not least, another favorite place for me to purchase things, is Etsy. Let’s have another small but fun list!

  • The Print Reserve

This store on Etsy most has paper doll printables, but also a few dollhouse and dollhouse furniture-related printables, and find them adorable!

Check out the printable dollhouse patterns here.

  • Easy Print and Cut.

Another fun little store on Etsy with tons of gorgeous dollhouse furniture printables, the only thing I can say here is to check it out to see what I’m talking about!

Check out all the dollhouse printables of this store here.

  • Paper Cottage Printies.

These dollhouse furniture files can be just printed onto card stock, cut out, and assemble as per directions and they are fairly easy to assemble.

Check out more details on these printables here.

  • Ragamuffet Workshop

Looking for a modern-looking dollhouse stove on a scale of 1:12? Then this store could have just that for you and more!

Check out more details on these printables here.

Do you actually prefer fully made and unique dollhouse furniture? Check out these 5 special dollhouse furniture reviews!

My Final Conclusion

I hope that you can find what you need in printable dollhouse furniture patterns on this blog post, but if you have any more questions or would just like to chat with me, please feel free to leave a comment down below in the comment section.

You can also join (one of) my social media channels or cozy Facebook group if you like 😉

I wish you happy crafting!

Kind regards,


related: The Best DIY Dollhouse Furniture Kits on 2 In Different Scales.

A Domestika miniature furniture making course by Chelsea Andersson

Making homemade dollhouse furniture, a tutorial

4 thoughts on “Printable Dollhouse Furniture Patterns: From Pixels to Miniature Magic!”

  1. Oh my goodness! What an awesome web site. I love the idea of printing the digital patterns for immediate use. I have made several doll houses and these prints would have come in very handy. The vintage is my favorite. And I like that you can customize them if needed.

    Thanks for the resources and general knowledge of this subject. Very informative and fascinating.


  2. This reminds me of my childhood! It’s great that you dedicated a whole website to your passion for dollhouses! It’s quite rare and it’s refreshing. As for printable, it’s true that they are easier to manage and you can change them also quite quickly. I especially liked the one of Pinterest but I guess that not everyone will have my tastes…

    • Hi Angelce!

      Thank you for your great comment and how cute that this gets you back to your childhood, we as adults just need to keep playing,in my opinion ! 😉

      I wish you happy crafting!



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