Pretty DIY Miniature Kitchen Kits – 8 Reviews

In the series of dollhouse kits, today we are going to review these 8 gorgeous DIY miniature kitchen kits.

Of course, there are larger dollhouse kits (that form a complete house), which have little kitchens as well.

But I will keep that information separate when I talk about the largest dollhouse kits on the market.

So let’s dive straight into the topic of mini kitchen kits by showing 8 reviews!

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A little oversight of DIY miniature kitchens if you are in a hurry.

Sometimes you just want to get a quick oversight of things, and then a table like the one below comes in handy.

Expanded reviews are available if you scroll down below!

If you are not interested in these kits, however, please go check out my blog post on the best miniature kits on the market.

Stars On 5
Where To Buy/price.
taste life robotime
Casa seed World series
Mrs. Charlie’s Dining Room
Jason’s Kitchen
Flavor Kitchen
 Happy Kitchen
Taste Of Life
Chinese Kitchen
Cool Beans Boutique 

More in-depth reviews on these DIY miniature kitchen kits.

Kitchen kit number 1: Cutebee Casa Seed World QT27

This kit belongs to the new very small kits from the Cutebee series “Casa Seed World” and is quickly made.

If you put yourself to it on a day, with plenty of breaks, you can finish it by the evening. Perfect for beginners!

Brand name
– parts are already painted (you can give
them another color if you like)
– This one is ideal for beginners, as it is small
and easy with no real issues found
– affordable kit
– should include a dust cover
– Mostly manual is not in English, make
sure to ask the seller first
– no batteries or glue included, I would
advise using Fast grab tacky glue
Our rating
Hours To Make
24 hours

Kitchen Number 2: Mrs. Charlies Dining Room

I would honestly customize this one, like in the picture below 😉

But this looks like a good basic and affordable kit to be able to do just that, or keep parts to go kitbashing.

Oh yes, before you mention: “this is not a kitchen, Lizzy!”. I know, but it does have kitchen cabinets, no? 🙂

Brand name
– some parts are already painted, others aren’t
(can be a pro or a con)
– Affordable kit
– Should include batteries and glue, but be
sure to ask the seller first
– Robotime uses sturdy materials
– doesn’t come with a dust cover,
– the included paint is not good quality
– I think I would customize a lot, don’t
really like the design, but that’s just my opinion
Our rating
Hours To Make
18 hours

Kitchen Number 3: Jason’s Kitchen

This one has become a classic from Robotime, people have made and customized this kit a lot.

You can see their customizations on FB groups, Pinterest, etc.. In quite wonderful ways actually, some of them breathtaking!

I have bought this one myself and will show you my result in the future 😉

Brand name
– instructions are clear and easy
– parts are already painted (you can give
them another color if you like)
– ecofriendly materials
– I love the design of this one and besides some
other colors maybe, I wouldn’t change much
– no dust cover included
– If no glue is included, I would advise using Aleene’s
(fast grab) tacky glue. (always included in mine though)
– if parts are missing, you càn contact Robotime now!
Our rating
Hours To Make
about 18 hours

KitchenNumber 4: Flavor Kitchen

A small dollhouse kitchen set, from the new series of Robotime.

Although small, in my opinion, it is quite cute and unique, with the little oven and the way it is built like a room box or even a book nook. Great design idea!

Brand name
Again from Robotime/Rolife 🙂
– can be done in a short time, perfect for beginners
– fantastic design, I love it
– LED lights are included
– English manual and batteries should be included,
if not ask the seller
– doesn’t come with a solid dust cover
– If no glue is included, I would advise using Aleene’s
(fast grab) tacky glue
– one reviewer claims that this kit is a little bit
Our rating
Hours To Make
about 8 hours

Kitchen Number 5: Happy Kitchen

I had a hard time figuring out from which brand this DIY miniature kitchen kit actually is, but turns out that it is from Hongda, because I found it on their website.

So keep in mind that this is a tad smaller than the kits from Robotime.

This little kitchen belongs to a series of nine kits that you can assemble to a larger dollhouse.

Brand name
– can be combined easily with other kits in this
series of nine kits
– perfect for beginners and doesn’t take long to finish
– you can add a roof (bought separately)
– dust covers included
– no batteries included (it needs 2 AAA batteries)
– No glue is included, I would advise using Aleene’s
(fast grab) tacky glue
– the materials used seem less sturdy
Our rating
Hours To Make
4 hours at max

Kitchen Number 6: Taste life

One of the kits from the new series from Robotime. Easy, quick, and cutest ever 😉

Brand name
– perfect for beginners and doesn’t take long to finish
– batteries included
– English and clear manual
– sturdy and durable materials
– cute new design
– Instructions could be a little more clearer
Our rating
Hours To Make
4 hours at max

Kitchen Number 7: A Chinese Kitchen.

When I was researching for this article on DIY miniature kitchen kits, this one was a surprise, because I had never seen it before.

It is only available on AliExpress, as far as I can see, and I have no idea what brand this is.

But I think it is pretty, and I will let you judge for yourself, as I am giving it 5 stars 😉

Brand name
– For me this Chinese mini kit is unique and
haven’t seen it before
– gets mostly positive reviews
– includes a dust cover
– Doesn’t include glue or batteries
– the manual is in Chinese (use google
translate app)
Our rating
Hours To Make
unknown, I would guess 24 hours

Kitchen Number 8: Cool Beans Boutique 

I just knew that I needed to check out Etsy as well for kitchen miniature kits because this cute little kitchen kit is the result of that search 😉

I didn’t see this one before either!

Brand name
Found on CoolBeans Boutique
– I love this design, you could add plenty
stuff afterward still, like rugs and plants, etc
– English manual
– plexiglass dust cover included
– LED lights, wires, and battery box included
– Batteries and glue not included, fast grab
Tacky Glue is recommended
Our rating
Hours To Make
20-40 hours

Have you seen my other reviews as well?

My Final Conclusion

I hope that you enjoyed this blog post on DIY miniature kitchen kits, I’m pretty sure that one or two you haven’t seen yet before.

If you have any more questions about this topic please feel free to ask them below in the comment section, or join my social media pages or my fantastic Facebook group.

I wish you Happy crafting,

Kind regards,


Collections Of New Arrivals

4 thoughts on “Pretty DIY Miniature Kitchen Kits – 8 Reviews”

  1. Many thanks for this valuable and detailed post about Pretty DIY Miniature Kits. I really like them like this. I had a lot of stuff like this. Reading this post makes me want to buy one again. I love this Jason’s Kitchen. It also has a good rating. I will definitely buy one. Keep posting like this. I will definitely share this.

  2. Wow, the detail in some of these miniature kitchens are simply amazing, that it is no wonder that it can take a long time to build them. My granddaughter has a little playhouse, but is very interested in cooking and doing things in the kitchen, as well as doing craft projects. Building a miniature kitchen with her could be a great way of combining these two. 

    Although you mention that some of them are for beginners, do you think one can build a miniature kitchen with a 5-year old? Or is there a simpler miniature project to do with kids? Thank you. 

    • Hi there!

      I know right? These are really quite cute haha!

      About your question: I’m afraid that these are too complicated to craft for children of that age, also, you need to be able to read a quite complicated manual.

      But why not “build" a small fairy garden in a pot or bowl or so, together with your grandchild, like the ones in this article or this article 😉

      I wish you and your grandchild happy crafting!

      Kind regards,



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