What Is Green Stuff World’s Paintbrush Rinser – A Review!

For most types of craft paint, we do need clean water to clean our paintbrushes and we tend to use an old cup or something that is available. But I came across a device that looked like it could be practical: a paintbrush rinser by Green Stuff World. Now, what is a paintbrush rinser anyway?

Exactly what we will try to explain to you in this article, as I came across the Brush rinser of the Spanish company called Green Stuff World.

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updated 13/01/24

What is a paint brush rinser from Green Stuff World and how do they work?

A Brish Rinser works with the same principle as some water bowls for pets, including an upside-down reservoir that holds an extra supply of water.

When water runs out of the container, it will be automatically refilled.

This seems a bit silly, but it does have some extras: the “brush-rinse-bowl” empties with just a touch of a button.

After that: the dirty water runs out of the bowl and is then collected in the large bottom tray, and this part can be emptied and cleaned afterward.

While the dirty water runs out of the bowl, clean water flows back into the basin from the tank, as soon as you release the button. So you can now start with another color of paint.

Sounds convenient and practical, but is it really?

Why would you need a paint brush rinser and what are the benefits for miniature painting?

When we got the Green Stuff World Brush Rinser, we had to test it out immediately, of course.

It is delivered unassembled and it does require some skills to use it without making a mess 🙂

But once properly installed and placed stably on your crafting table, the Rinser is definitely a great addition: you always have clean rinsed water for your paintbrushes at hand without having to go to the tap all the time when you want to use another color (while a piece of your miniature project is drying, for example).

Do you absolutely NEED a brush rinser for miniature painting? No, of course not, you can just have a regular cup, but this sure is handy!

How to assemble a brush rinser and some observations

I have a few thoughts and remarks first when using the Green Stuff World Brush Rinser.

  • There is no valve in the water reservoir, which means that placing a filled tank with water requires some practice.

  • If you want to move the brush rinser, always keep a container underneath and always place the device in a horizontal position, otherwise the water will spill over!

  • For some points, the design could have been better, this is explained further down below in the review

  • And last but not least, the lid is simply pressed onto the tank, be careful not to have it come off by accident.

In the video below, you can see how the Brush rinser from Green Stuff World is assembled:

A few more things to consider when choosing the right brush rinser for your needs.

So the most publicity you see for brush rinsers is the brand called Green Stuff World, but there actually are other brands as well on the market ( I have only experienced the latter)

The other one that I noticed (only) on Youtube was this one below in the next video, which “Spikey Bits” seems very excited about, but I will let you see for yourself 😉

Now, how to choose which brand to get? Well, there are several factors to consider when selecting a brush rinser for your personal needs, including:

  • 1. Size and capacity.

    It is important to choose a brush rinser that suits your needs in terms of various sizes and capacities.
    If you are using different paintbrushes at the same time or in different sizes of brushes, a larger rinser could come in handy.
    Are you only using one brush at a time? A smaller device will do!

  • 2. Compare the durability of different brands

    So check out the Amazon reviews, for example.
    One rinser that you can use for a very long time is surely better.

  • 3. Using it should be easy to do.

    The way that brush rinsers are designed, should make them easy to use.
    Some brands have a more easy way to assemble it or could have a ribbed surface on the bottom, for example, making it easier to remove paint from the brushes.

  • 4. Is there enough room for it in your crafting place?

    Some of us have no room left to put any extra-large device in there, you know what I mean haha! So it might be better to get a small one, or just stick to your old coffee cup 😉

  • 5. Price range.

    Some brush rinsers are more affordable than others, but always keep in mind the extra features and durability of the brand.

Green Stuff World brush rinser- A Review

But so today, we are only reviewing the Green Stuff Brush rinser, unfortunately not other brands ;-). Here we go!

4 stars

Product name:

Green Stuff World Brush Rinser

Places to buy:



Green Stuff World


Not available on Amazon, please contact the seller.

Product Overview:

This device is in dimensions: 7.28 x 3.15 x 6.1 inches and the weight is 7.4 ounces and is obviously used to rinse brushes 😉

And you can use it with acrylic paints, metallic acrylic paints, watercolors, tempera, and gouache.

Furthermore a few characteristics:

  • a drain button with a return spring
  • a rubber drain plug
  • 30x flush capacity per bottle
  • water reservoir for 2×250 ml drains.
  • made from plastic

Nothing more to add to what I already explained above so let’s go to the next step:

Pros and cons:

The Good.

  • easy to clean
  • easy to use
  • keeps brushes clean more easily than just in a cup
  • durable/sturdy and won’t break easily
  • the push button mechanism seems to work well
  • the reservoir has ridges, which cleans the brushes more easily

The Bad.

  • I would think if you only need one color of paint, you don’t need a device like this.
  • can be tricky to assemble
  • you can’t really touch the device while using it, because then it spills over
  • poor instructions
  • too small if using multiple paintbrushes

Installing the water bulb can be tricky.

My final conclusion: It was worth trying out this device when trying to paint a miniature piece in different colors, or when I wanted to paint different miniatures that are to be painted in different colors. And I will keep on using it.

Check out the price and more details of this brush rinser here.

My Final Conclusion

I hope that I could answer the question of what is a brush rinser for you and that I could inform you enough about this particular and popular brand called Green Stuff World.

If you have any more questions about this crafting material, feel free to ask them down below in the comment section or join me on my social media channels or Facebook group.

I wish you happy miniature painting!

Kind regards


2 thoughts on “What Is Green Stuff World’s Paintbrush Rinser – A Review!”

  1. When it comes to miniature painting, having a clean brush is crucial. That’s where the Brush Rinser from Green Stuff World comes in. This product looks like a game-changer for painters who want to keep their brushes in top condition. However, I do have some questions about how it works and how it compares to other brush cleaning tools on the market. Have you used the brush rinser yourself? How does it compare to other products you’ve tried?

    • hello Akumendoh,

      Thank you for your positive comment. To answer your question: I have only used the brush rinser from Green Stuff World, so sadly I can’t compare it to other brands sorry!

      Kind regards,



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