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DIY Miniature Model Kits - A New Review On Robotime's Candy House!

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Unleash your inner sweet tooth, because today we're diving headfirst into one of Robotime's newest DIY miniature model kits called Candy House!

The reason that I got this kit was because I wanted to try out one of their latest models which seem small and quicker to do, and also to find out if these were maybe more suitable for young teens and kids than adults.

Find out my findings in the honest and straightforward review below!

But first, why would you get miniature model kits by Robotime?

While I have made some other brands of dollhouse kits before, Robotime (aka Rolife), remains one of my favorites for several reasons.

Those reasons are mainly the level of quality and sturdiness, and because Robotime tends to reinvent itself all the time by following trends like book nooks, for example.

sakura densya book nook kit rolife street car
Sakura Densya by Robotime

Today we have assembled the easiest one that I have created so far from this brand, also because it is a rather small DIY kit, although there are smaller ones. But more of that later 😉

Cute little Miniature model kits: A DIY kit called Candyhouse.

Let's dive a bit more into this particular kit from Robotime which is called Candy House.

I wanted to give this one a try, because I wanted to assemble a "quicker" DIY kit for once, and that was exactly what I expected, as I created the whole project in about 4-5 hours.

So if you would spend about half a day on it, you would be able to finish it in this time.

Also, besides the new book nooks, which are more like a 3D puzzle, my best guess was that these little kits would be doable for kids, as they look a lot easier than "the older generation" kits from Robotime.

So a few pieces of information for you first:

Product name:

DIY Model kit called "Candy House"


Robotime aka Rolife

Where to find this kit?

You can make your choice on where to order it:

Prices can vary over time.

Content of the kit:

This kit contains all the pieces that you need to assemble the complete kit from the walls and floors, a LED light and wires for the lights, to everything you need for the miniature furniture and accessories.

The theme is all about candy and sweets and it represents a store with very bright colors like yellow, green, pink, and red.

This candy shop doesn't need to be painted, so, of course, no paint is included.

The only craft materials included are some sandpaper, a plastic tweezer, and a small screwdriver; there is no glue, ruler, batteries, or scissors.

Parts are either made from wood or plastic, but also some paper, and there is no wirework except for the light in this kit!

This kit contains a manual in English, with clear pictures included.

What if parts or missing or lost?

Robotime offers a replacement service and you just need to fill in a form.

In the short video below you can see me unbox the candy shop on my Youtube channel.

Check out the price and more details of the Candyshop on Amazon here.

Check out the price and more details straight on the Robotime store here.

Let's find out the results of the questions that I had 😉

Assembling Robotime's Candy Shop-my process and views

Overall, I would like to give this DIY a fine 4,5 stars, as my personal review. The pros and cons you will find down below.

Just cut this polymer clay to get delicious sweets!

I assembled this DIY kit by Robotime quite easily in about 4-5 hours with no major issues, besides the mini lamp light.

Let me try to explain what happened with the light.

The previous kits from Robotime had enough shrink tubes, but this one hadn't, so I had some issues with the contact between poles, because of the copper little cap on top of the round plastic to form the lamp.

This isn't mentioned in the manual and isn't changeable anymore after the wire of the lamp is fixed to the wall.

Because of this, I think, the light isn't connected well at the moment, but I will have my partner have another look at it soon, maybe it is something that I am doing wrong haha!

I hope you can see what I mean in the picture below:

Besides this problem, I didn't encounter any major issues, maybe just that there was a little gap when assembling the front windows of the kit, but you don't notice that anymore once it is completed.

Do you notice the gap between the 2 green windows?

In the video below, you can see me placing a few things on the little table that goes in front of the store.

And here's where more sweets are put in the large closet in the back of the store.

Then I just assembled the walls and mirrors and the wires for the lights go underneath the bottom as seen in the picture below.

Check out the final result!

AAAND another final video, but larger and showing more expanded on how I proceeded 😉

If you would like to support my Youtube channel by the way, don't forget to subscribe and "like" the video, thank you!

4 stars and a half

  • Very easy to assemble. The box says that it is suitable for ages 14+, but I would think that a 12year old could also do this, except for the little lamp light!
  • Pieces fit together like a glove
  • Paper pieces are pre-folded, this is the first time that I noticed this and it's actually quite handy 🙂
  • Cute design!
  • Sturdy materials.
  • No hard wirework or 1001 plants or books haha!
  • Robotime used to have a few missing pieces, but not anymore!

  • This kit has a lot fewer crafting materials than the former generation kits from Robotime.

    There is only a piece of sandpaper, plastic tweezers (I didn't even use them), and a little screwdriver, which is a bit unnecessary because I would think every household has this ;-).

    No glue, batteries, ruler, or scissors are included.

  • A little bit too much plastic for my taste
  • One thing that I think, and others too as I can see in Facebook groups, is that there is no more real challenge in this DIY kit, crafting skills aren't put to a real test anymore.

    I mean, where are the good old days of "horrible" wirework and difficult issues haha?
    In other words, this kit is a bit too easy.

  • I did have issues with the lamp lights though, as explained above

A plastic tweezer instead of a metal one.

Check out the price and more details of the Candyshop on Amazon here.

Check out the price and more details straight on the Robotime store here.

I hope that you enjoyed seeing the review and process of one of the easiest and most colorful miniature model kits on the market called the Candy House.

If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask them down below in the comment section or join me on (one of) my social media channels or my cozy Facebook group.

I wish you happy crafting!

Kind regards,


Posted : 28/05/2023 6:22 pm
Posts: 2
New Member Guest

What impressed me about the review was the attention to detail and the reviewer's personal experience with the kit. They shared step-by-step instructions, accompanied by vivid images, making it easy to follow along and visualize the assembly process. The inclusion of tips and tricks further enhanced the usefulness of the review, especially for those new to DIY miniature model kits. I am looking forward to doing some book nooks. It would be great to see you do some of them.

Posted : 28/05/2023 10:06 pm
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Hello Tammy!

Thank you for all the compliments on my review, I loved creating this kit!

About the book nooks, I have already made several, like this one from the same brand, check it out! 😉

I wish you happy crafting!

Kind regards


Posted : 28/05/2023 10:26 pm
Posts: 7
Active Member Guest

Thank you for this excellent and thorough review on Robotime’s Candy House miniature model kit Lizzy. It is cool to see the variety of options that are available and the ease and relative difficulty of assembly that each may require. The Book Nook model that you reviewed before seemed very simple and while this Candy House may be a little more involved it too does not look to be too overwhelming of a task.

Did you find that the product website or Amazon tended to list the price of this kit any cheaper than the other?

This all-included kit even goes so far as to include all the wiring and equipment needed to furnish and bring the inside of the "house" to life.

Posted : 29/05/2023 4:50 pm
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Hi Joseph!

Thank you so much for all the compliments and positive comment, those make me happy! 🙂

About your question: I tend to not place the price of the product in a review, as you could see, because these tend to change over time. 

I don't know if you noticed, but the prices are now the same on Amazon as well as from Robotime itself, but I would advise keeping a close eye on the price , because it can vary a lot over time, especially on Robotime, so I have noticed. They give regular discounts. And also, Robotime provides excellent service, so if anything goes missing, they are quick to respond to you and any problems.

I hope this answers your question?

I wish you happy crafting!

Kind regards,


Posted : 29/05/2023 5:11 pm
(@Jóhann H. Ragnarsson)
Posts: 1
New Member Guest


I like this a lot. I want, particularly when giving gifts, to mix a little bit between the old and gold-looking and the new modern.
And too, in Iceland, have never been Candy houses in this style, but we have seen that in movies that it looks like there has been a lot of it in the USA.

But one question, you know, always be careful! I want to give one princess this. She is 15 years old, the daughter of one of my friends, and this is exactly her style. But! She has a 5 year old brother. Would these little things be dangerous for a curious little one who still likes to "taste" things?

Posted : 29/05/2023 6:19 pm
Posts: 862
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Hello Johann!

Thank you for your comment, so funny to hear from someone from Iceland even finding my site, that's great!

About your question: yes, I would be very careful with a 5 year old around, please take care to place the dollhouse kit on a high enough level, so that the child can't reach it, to avoid shoking hazards!

The 15 year old can surely assemble this kit! Maybe help her out with the lights though;-)

I wish everyone happy crafting!

Kind regards,


Posted : 30/05/2023 10:23 am